International Journal Of Modern
Pharmaceutical Research

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An International Peer Reviewed Journal for Science & Pharmacy Professional

An Official Publication of Society for Advance Healthcare Research (Reg. No. : 01/01/01/31674/16)

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH has been indexed and abstracted by various international reputed agencies like : Google Scholar , Index Copernicus , SOCOLAR, China , Research Bible, Fuchu, Tokyo. JAPAN , Cosmos Impact Factor , Scientific Indexing Services (SIS) , Web of Science Group (Under Process) , IFSIJ Measure of Journal Quality , IP Indexing (IP Value 2.42) , Directory of Research Journals Indexing , Scholar Article Journal Index (SAJI) , International Scientific Indexing (ISI) , Scope Database , ABCD Index , Academia , International Scientific Indexing, UAE (ISI)  and many more.
ISSN 2319-5878



Dr. Syed Insha Rafiq, Dr. Asifa Ali, Dr. Shujat Gul and Dr. Syed Mansha Rafiq*


Eating a well-balanced diet is important for all individuals, but it is even more essential for pregnant women. Diet is an important parameter that determines the well being of both the pregnant women and the baby. A developing baby needs essential nutrients, so mother’s diet needs to be balanced and nutritious. It should have right balance of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Poor nutrition may lead to a number of problems including anemia, lack of oxygen during delivering baby, low birth weight of baby and still birth. Pregnant women are recommended to have normal nutritional status with Body Mass Index (BMI) ranging from 20-25 kg/m2 in order to have a full term new born infant with an average weight not less than 3 Kilo grams. Most of pregnant women know about the importance of diet; however there are still food deficiencies among the pregnant women. Most foods are safe but there are some foods that should be avoided during pregnancy. Those include raw meat, raw eggs, unpasteurized milk, caffeine, fish containing mercury and unwashed vegetables. To meet the nutritional requirements supplements are recommended but should be taken only after advised by a doctor.

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