International Journal Of Modern
Pharmaceutical Research

( An ISO 9001:2015 Certified International Journal )

An International Peer Reviewed Journal for Science & Pharmacy Professional

An Official Publication of Society for Advance Healthcare Research (Reg. No. : 01/01/01/31674/16)

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH has been indexed and abstracted by various international reputed agencies like : Google Scholar , Index Copernicus , SOCOLAR, China , Research Bible, Fuchu, Tokyo. JAPAN , Cosmos Impact Factor , Scientific Indexing Services (SIS) , Web of Science Group (Under Process) , IFSIJ Measure of Journal Quality , Research Publication Rating and Indexing , IP Indexing (IP Value 2.42) , Directory of Research Journals Indexing , Scholar Article Journal Index (SAJI) , International Scientific Indexing (ISI) , Scope Database , ABCD Index , Academia , International Scientific Indexing, UAE (ISI)  and many more.
ISSN 2319-5878



Dr. Ruchi Sharma* and Subhashchandra Madavi


Ayurveda system of the medicine is an old as the Vedic age. In, Ayurvedic texts many different dosages forms are mentioned. From the ancient times the medicines are prepared in the different ways as per the requirement of the patient and disease. According to the condition of the patient, disease and action which we want from the drug, the Acharays has mentioned the different forms of the formulation from the same raw drugs like- swarasa kalka, asava, arishta, bhasma, etc. In the recent years, there were many of the development that are going on at medicinal dosage forms so as to enhance their solubility, bioavailability, pharmacological activity, stability, reduce their toxicity and increase the compliance, etc. The new advanced novel drug delivery system (NDDS) was designed now a day’s to achieve the continuous delivery of the drug at their predictable and reproducible kinetics over an extended period of the time in the circulation. NDDS is a combination of both the advance techniques and new dosage forms. NDDS is referred as the formulation, systems and technologies for the transportation of the pharmaceutical compound in the body. But on comparing both this ayurvedic and NDDS system we found that there are many of the similarities between both of these systems. The facts governing the NDDS system are already mentioned in our ayurvedic texts. What new technologies they are trying to make are already somehow mentioned already. The difference is only that they are left unexplored. This paper presents the critical review of the traditional dosage form and novel drug delivery system and their correlation. We have tried to quote some of the examples of the ayurvedic kalpas which can be correlated with this new system of the medicine i.e. NDDS.

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