International Journal Of Modern
Pharmaceutical Research

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ISSN 2319-5878



Anjali Sharma, Prof. Devansh Mehta*, Dr. Shamim Ahmed and Shallu Sharma


Anti-Ulcer therapies are one of the top grossing therapeutic segment in Pharmaceutical Industry globally. Aims and Objective of the Study: To evaluate and predict anti-ulcer activity in the leaves extracts of plant Luffa accutangula on experimental Rat models. Materials and Methods: The experiment was conducted in ethanol extracts of the leaves of Luffa accutangula on Pylorus ligation induced ulcer model as well as alcohol induced ulcer model. The plant leaves were collected from Seema nursery in Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut. The leaves were shade dried before taking out its extracts. Healthy Rats (Albino) of 250 to 300 grams were selected for the study respectively. Two Extracts of the plant were used for comparative study, which were aqueous extract and ethanol extracts. Phytochemical screening of the extracts was carried out before proceeding to experiments. All experiments were conducted in accordance with the set guidelines of, CPCSEA, Ministry of Forest, Government of India. Results: The yield of Aqueous Extract was found to be, 3.0 % and that of Ethanolic Extract was 3.5 %. Upon phytochemical screening, the leaves of the plant was found to have, Cellulose, tannins, Calcium carbonate crystals, alkaloids, triterpenes and proteins. The experiment was conducted using different groups of animals divided on the basis of extracts and treatments used. The group IV and V rats were subjected to the treatment with the test compound i.e. AELA at the doses of 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg (p.o) respectively showed significant decrease in ulcer index (21.54%, 27.97), gastric volume content (7.67%, 22.48%), total acidity (5.12%, 18.09%), free acidity (5.34%, 19.65%), however the pH (35.39%, 52.11%) of the gastric juice was significant increased and the ulcers were inhibited by 22.75% and 26.7% respectively. The group VI and VII rats were treated with the other test compound (EECD) with its two selected doses i.e. 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg (p.o) showed significant decrease in ulcer index (35.05% 52.87%), gastric volume content (33.72% 45.46%), total acidity (20.9% 35.24%), free acidity (28.75% 35.8%), where as pH (40.79%, 56.07%) was significant increase and the ulcers were inhibited by 35.76%, 54.12% respectively. The activity of both extract with their respective doses, when compared with control, the order of potency was found to be Ranitidine > EELA (Ethanolic Extract) >AELA (Aqueous Extract) in a dose dependant manner. The plant has significant anti-ulcerant potential.

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