Keshamma E., Kamal Kant Patra, Amit Pandey, Anil Kumar, Neha Singh, Saurav Ghoshal, Tanmay Ghosh, Vishal Pathak and Chandan Kumar Raikwar*
Plant-derived nanoparticles have shown promise in cancer diagnostics and therapy.Nanoparticles, including lipid-based ones and nanovesicles, have garnered attentionfor their potential therapeutic benefits, notably in impeding cancer cell proliferationand inhibiting tumor growth. Moreover, their distinct characteristics, such astargeted drug delivery capabilities, present a promising avenue for cancer diagnosisand treatment. Additionally, the exploration of intelligent nanoparticles for preciseand personalized cancer therapy is underway, offering tailored treatment modalities.These particles can target specific cancer cells by leveraging biomarkers likeproteins, enzymes, genes, and DNA fragments. Furthermore, the review delves intothe utilization of nanoparticles derived from plants as carriers for cancer therapydrugs, shedding light on their pharmacokinetics, stability, and therapeuticeffectiveness. Plant-based nanoparticles also boast unique optical qualities suitablefor cancer diagnostics. For instance, gold nanoparticles synthesized from plantconstituents can be easily modified with imaging agents like fluorescent dyes orquantum dots, enabling optical imaging and targeted drug delivery. Thesenanoparticles play a vital role in cancer cell detection and visualization, facilitatingprecise diagnosis. The potential of plant-derived nanoparticles in cancer diagnosisand therapy represents a burgeoning field with profound implications for futurecancer treatments. This review article explores how plant-derived nanoparticles(PdNPs) can be utilized as molecular biomarkers for cancer diagnosis and therapy.Plant materials offer unique advantages in developing nanoparticles due to theirsustainable and eco-friendly characteristics. PdNPs have shown great potential fortargeting and diagnosing cancer cells, as well as delivering therapeutic agents.
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