Walisinghe Pathirana*
The modern pharmacology relies on the action enforced by the drugs on the body.The new therapeutic approach proposed here is based on the opposing reactioninitiated by the body in response to the initial action of the drug. The former can beconsidered as primary, afferent or centripetal pharmacology and the later assecondary, efferent or centrifugal pharmacology. The centrifugal pharmacologyconcept is examined with the prospect of expanding the therapeutic application of agiven drug. The proposed concept opens up new avenues of therapeutic discoveriesoutside the costly standard drug discovery protocols. In order to understand the newtherapeutic dynamics, an early classification of drug actions in relation to diseases,the concept that the drugs are another form of disease forces and that the drugactions are either dose dependent or dose independent are discussed. The newconcept can be applied even by individual practitioners to already approved drugsfor possible new therapies and does not incur huge costs needed in the discovery ofnew drugs. The proposed system demands an extra effort in case taking and in theselection of the indicated drug. The responses are subjected to greater biologicalvariations than those of modern drugs and the new system is not suitable in acutelife-threatening conditions.
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